Three schema Architecture

DBMS Three schema Architecture


The main objective of three level architecture is to enable multiple users to access the same data with a personalized view while storing the underlying data only once. Thus it separates the user's view from the physical structure of the database. This separation is desirable for the following reasons:

1. Internal Level

DBMS Three schema Architecture

The internal level is generally is concerned with the following activities:

2. Conceptual Level

DBMS Three schema Architecture

3. External Level

DBMS Three schema Architecture

Mapping between Views

The three levels of DBMS architecture don't exist independently of each other. There must be correspondence between the three levels i.e. how they actually correspond with each other. DBMS is responsible for correspondence between the three types of schema. This correspondence is called Mapping.

There are basically two types of mapping in the database architecture:

Conceptual/ Internal Mapping

The Conceptual/ Internal Mapping lies between the conceptual level and the internal level. Its role is to define the correspondence between the records and fields of the conceptual level and files and data structures of the internal level.

External/ Conceptual Mapping

The external/Conceptual Mapping lies between the external level and the Conceptual level. Its role is to define the correspondence between a particular external and the conceptual view.

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