Examples, videos, and solutions to help Grade 3 students learn how to find related multiplication facts by adding and subtracting equal groups in array models. Associative Property.
Common Core Standards: 3.OA.1, 3.OA.5, 3.OA.3, 3.OA.4
Problem 1: Add 2 known smaller facts to solve an unknown larger fact.
Problem 2: Subtract 2 known smaller facts to solve an unknown larger fact.
3. 9 × 3 = ______
30 – ____= 27
____ × 3 = 27
4. Franklin collects stickers. He organizes his stickers in 5 rows of 4 on his table.
Draw an array that represents Franklin’s stickers using an x to show each sticker.
5 × 4 = ______
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